Webmaster’s announcement

You may have noticed that it’s been a few days since Mr. Pakarinen updated this page, and let’s be honest here – as we always are here at RPlog – his last real update here was almost two weeks ago. I see he’s been posting some old columns here. Oh well.

But, in all fairness – and we’re nothing if not fair around here – he hasn’t been slacking off, no, no, sir. In fact, I just put in the last details on a new page Mr. Pakarinen has been working on the last few weeks. That’s right, a new page.

It’s got nothing to do with hockey, although, hockey may also come up in his work. What it is, is a collection of “news clippings” he’s “found”. That means he makes them up and thinks he’s being funny.

“It’s a little different kind of writing,” says Mr. Pakarinen.

Is it different or “different”? I’m not saying I like all of his pieces, but I have laughed at some of them. Especially the one about the … well, see for your self.

The Risto Twist-o at www.ristopakarinen.com/home/twisto/

Get a free lifetime subscription, while you’re there. I know I did.

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