The Aughties are almost over, and what a decade it was. We lived through Big Brother, reality TV’s emergance in general, the Bush era, five Olympics, and were disappointed by the true 2001 Space Odyssey.
None of those things made the Best of the Decade list here at Instead, I will count down my Top Ten stories in the last ten years, in five different categories, between today and New Year’s Eve. Get the RSS feed, or check back every day. Now, you can search the archives for your own favorites if you want to, but the Official List is here.

The categories are:
Best Fictitious Stories
Best True Stories
Best Flashbacks
Best Humor Stories
Best Hockey Stories
And without further ado, here are the items that just made the list, as number tens.
Bored »
True Stories:
It’s Like Rain on Your Wedding Day »
The Fabulous Mrs Hellgren »
Hockey: Happily Ever After »
Paolo Maldini Grounded; Misses Champions League Match »
Good old Mrs. Hellgren … loved her back in the day, love her now.