A not-so-grand theft

I don’t know how many times I’ve driven through Varkaus on my way to Joensuu where I went to high school and where my father lives, but it must be in the hundreds. And each time, and especially since meeting Jessica and making that trek together with her, I always say out loud: “This city is tops my list of ‘cities I don’t want to live in'”.


The word means “theft.”

And the image of the city goes downhill from there. Varkaus is mostly hiding under the smoke – which is probably not real smoke but just steam – from the paper mill which is right in the center of the city. There’s a unpleasant smell, and the buildings look a little run-down. I just want to keep driving.

Well, now I have spent a night at a local hotel, and I’m afraid my list stays unchanged. Time to hit the road.

But enough about me. Where would you never want to live?

A room with a view.

3 thoughts on “A not-so-grand theft

  1. The smell of the paper mills in Macon. GA could definitely send you packing. Perhaps that is why the minor league hockey team , the Macon Whoopies, disbanded!!!

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