Burke and me

I see that Brian Burke is in the news again. I wish him good luck at the new job, even if, to me, he’ll always be best known for this:

»This is a must-read for the hockey fan, whether hard-core or casual. The tales are well-told, whimsical and thoughtful all at the same time.« – Brian Burke, GM, Anaheim Ducks

More here.

4 thoughts on “Burke and me

  1. I agree with Brian Burke; however, I bet I have read that book more times than he has or anyone else for that matter. Glad Malik brought such good memories for you and your Dad, because he sure isn’t bringing any to Tampa Bay. I think we need more Swedes and Fins.

  2. Risto, even better than Burke, you’ve got the endorsement of Lightning fans.

    Hopefully, I get to make another "on kone" sign for Tukonen!

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