
Reading on buses and subway trains is one of my favorite pastimes. I used to take a bus that took 35 minutes to get to work, instead of the train that only took ten, for three reasons.

The Reading station

One, the bus stop was across the street, the train station some long 400 meters away. Not regular meters, 400 long ones.

Two, the stop at the other end, was also across the street from where I wanted to go, which was not the office, but a bakery where I could get my breakfast, and then walk to the office. Distance: 200 regular meters.

But mostly it was about the fact that it gave me 35 minutes of reading time each morning and night. That’s a good six hours of reading a week.

When I moved to Sweden, I used to read while walking to the subway, then all the way to the Old Town to the office.

Now that I work from my office at home – and the occasional coffee shop – I don’t have the luxury of commuting to work. Of course, I could always book (no pun intended!) the time for reading but, let’s be realistic here.

Ain’t gonna happen.

Now I’m trying listening to audiobooks, and while I do get the info, and can enjoy the books in the car, walking to the gym, at the gym, walking home, it’s not the same as reading. And I’ve been reading since I was three. I miss reading.

So, I need a new plan.

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