Snail male

Sure, the two customers in front of me were kind of difficult. Like, both asked questions. But I was in a hurry because I had just snuck out of the movie theater to get some candy for me and my son.

So every second counted.

And the only person behind the counter is a guy who’s really slow. So slow that I was actually trying to make eye contact to send him a stinky eye. But he’s just working there, so he’s not in a hurry.

When I finally get to the counter, I see a sticker on the cash register. Somebody – a frustrated customer? a scheming colleague? – has pasted a sticker with the text, “snigel” on it.

Swedish for “snail.”

Either he’s got a reputation, or he’s trying to attract dyslexic women.

Paradoxically, it all happened so fast when I took the photo.

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