Stating the obvious

I am now a Mac person. I’ve been a Mac person for about six days and I think that’s why I haven’t upated the blog, either. Not because I couldn’t for technical reasons (all you Vista evangelistas), this is the Web, after all, but because I’ve spent so much time going through all the amazing stuff that comes with a MacBook.

I’ve carried my white beauty around everywhere, and I am just about ready to be a Public Writer again — and this time, right there by the window.

I know there are doubters, people who say that I Switched just because it’s cool.

This is so obvious that I can’t believe I have forgot about it. After all, I wrote my Master’s thesis about images and brands, and yet, I ramble about processors and all the great software and the integrations, about the sleep mode and the ease of use.

In the end, it’s got nothing to do with that. It’s got nothing to do with Apple’s image, either.

It’s all about me, and the image I have about myself.

And boy, am I cool.

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