The Decision

Let’s say you’re in charge of a big science park, a place that introduces science to kids and families. Let’s say you want to have a unique attraction, something to keep people buzzing about your fine establishment for years and years.

Because you know that what you have is pretty darn good. You have all the cool things that people love to try out; the Indian fakir spike mats, the mirrors, the car with the square wheels, and dozens and dozens of other cool tests that explain gravity, light, mathematics, and laws of physics in an entertaining way.

But, like I said, let’s say you also want to spice it up a bit. Would you go with dancing bears, or an Einstein lookalike walking around, solving math problems with the visitors, fireworks in a bottle, or a full-blown particle accelerator?

Or would you instead train rats to play basketball with a ball that – in its former life – used to be in a deodorant roll-on stick? And would you then stop there, or would you create a pro league for the rats?

2 thoughts on “The Decision

  1. Interesting how they have chosen the cute rats for this official video. If I could enclose a photo of how it looked today, you would see pretty fat rats, playing with half a deodorant stick-ball.
    Anyway, fat or not, they’re still attracting a big audience.

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